Create Some Art: Mars4 and Sketchar Martians888 NFT Art Contest

>上海龙凤419论坛IGW>72024-05-19 19:00:28

If you ever heard of CryptoPunks and always wanted to create an NFT yourself – now it’s your time. Let’s create 888 unique Martians.

Collaboration of Mars4 and Sketchar announces exclusive Martians888 Art Contest. Open up your inner Leonardo da Vinci to create a one-of-a-kind Martian avatar. 

Create Some Art: Mars4 and Sketchar Martians888 NFT Art Contest

Best 888 Martian NFT avatars will form an exciting component of the Mars4 Metaverse – P2E gaming ecosystem where you can explore a geographically exact 3D virtual Mars, own and customize your land and even reap the rewards of the world’s first revenue-generating NFT!

MARS4 metaverse: Should you get excited?

Mars4 – centered ecosystem where you can explore a virtual Mars Metaverse, own and customize your land property with MARS4 Tokens and even reap the rewards of the world’s first revenue-generating NFT. Attractive tokenomics of Mars4 leverages NFT Mars Land, Gamification, and Token Redistribution. 

The Mars4 project’s development team has modeled a detailed 3D map of Mars’ terrain after NASA’s Mars data. Think of it as Mars’ equivalent of the 2001 Google Earth 3D map. The total area of the Red Planet is divided into 99.888 unique land plots, each represented by a unique NFT. 

Mars4 is a platform that allows people to own and access the virtual Metaverse world which features the fourth planet in our solar system, Mars. The Mars4 Metaverse will have multiple plays to earn games combining the best of Decentraland, Star Atlas, and Axie Infinity. 

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