BixBcoin Launches Incentive Investment Program on Hotbit

>上海419贵族宝贝USN>55792024-06-02 20:50:25

Fast-growing blockchain BixBcoin has continued to expand its ecosystem with key partnerships in recent months.

Following the successful listing of its native token BIXB on Hotbit, BixBcoin has launched an investment program on the exchange. 

BixBcoin Launches Incentive Investment Program on Hotbit

BixBcoin 90-day lockup incentive 

BIXB holders on Hotbit will be able to lock their tokens for 90 days to receive an initial rate of annualized return of 60.6%. The total subscription limit for the program is 121,000 BIXB and participants are limited to a maximum lockup amount of 1300 BIXB. 

The initial deposit and interests are automatically redeemed into the investor’s Hotbit BIXB wallet following the expiry of the lock period. BIXB 90-day lockup incentive plan is one of the best in the cryptocurrency market, and participants are assured of their funds during the lock period.

Interested participants can learn more about the incentive and get detailed information by clicking here. 

An extensive blockchain ecosystem

BixBcoin has enjoyed rapid growth since its launch in March 2020. It is built on its own blockchain Bixb blockchain using the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm. 

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